Get to know us

The EHWSS, Edmonton Hispanic Women's Support Society, is a non-profit organization established to provide support to women of Latin American origin currently residing in the city of Edmonton, who find themselves in vulnerable situations due to conditions of isolation (loneliness), poverty and, or domestic violence. We empower them through training programs, coaching, socio-cultural activities, art, sport, and guidance, aimed at strengthening their self-esteem and self-confidence. We also facilitate the development of their communication, employment, and social skills, enabling them to generate income in pursuit of their autonomy and personal and family development. Furthermore, we seek to promote healthy family relationships enriched with respect, empathy, and mutual support.

Registered in Alberta in March 2023.

Our Mission

To empower Hispanic women in Edmonton to break the cycles of inequity, discrimination, poverty, and domestic violence. We do this through targeted training, coaching, and holistic programs that foster strong social and familial bonds, rooted in our rich cultural traditions.

Our Vision

Our vision is a community where Hispanic women in Edmonton are appreciated and empowered leaders, thriving free from isolation, discrimination, and violence. We strive for a future where their contributions shape a more equitable and culturally rich society.

Our Values

  • Empowerment: We believe in the power of every woman to live in harmony and autonomy.

  • Equity & Inclusion: We foster an environment of mutual respect and equal access to opportunities, where every voice is valued.

  • Collaboration: We support each other and promote healthy family relationships based on empathy and support.

  • Community: We build a community of strong, united women who support each other on their journey toward empowerment and independence.

  • Excellence: We strive for excellence in our programs and services to provide the best support possible.

woman in black jacket sitting beside woman in white blazer
woman in black jacket sitting beside woman in white blazer

Why Spanish?

black pants
black pants

Research supports that the learning experience can be optimized when conducted in one's mother language, just as it is for children. In light of this, and in our commitment to maximizing success opportunities, we have chosen Spanish as the primary language for delivering our programs. This decision is rooted in our recognition of the significant distress experienced by our participants, and it aims to facilitate their enhanced self-awareness, autonomy, and overall personal growth.

Moreover, offering these programs in Spanish contributes directly to our participants' faster integration into Canadian culture and their acquisition of English as a second language. Many of our participants have faced isolation in various forms, but through empowerment in their mother tongue, they have better chances of undergoing a transformation and becoming active contributors to our community as new Canadians.

Flourishing Together

A themed program consisting of 6 to 8 sessions that focus on providing participants with practical tools to live each season of the year to the fullest and with awareness of their own capabilities, taking advantage of the opportunities presented by their environment.

Network of Hope

Through our network of contacts with organizations and experts in the cities of Edmonton, St. Albert, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc, Beaumont, and others, we connect our clients with the most suitable organizations to address their specific situations and needs.

Ongoing Programs and Services

From connecting our clients with organizations and experts across various fields to functional training programs and life and career coaching, all aimed at their personal and professional growth.

Latinas Coffee Chat
Latinas Coffee Chat is a bi-monthly gathering designed to foster connections among Hispanic women in Edmonton. This program offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere, infused with the rich warmth of Latino culture, where participants can enjoy coffee or tea, relax, and share experiences. It’s an opportunity to deepen community ties and explore the extensive support our organization can provide.
Welcome to Canada!

Welcome to Canada! is a series of monthly talks designed to warmly welcome Spanish-speaking adults who have recently arrived in Canada. This workshop provides a welcoming and supportive space to facilitate immigrants' transition to their new life in Canada. During these conversational sessions, participants will receive crucial information on settlement, access to local resources, acclimatizing to the Canadian weather and culture, and reintegration into the labor market.

Holistic Health - Adjusting Your Body & Mind to Canada -
Discover how proper nutrition can facilitate your adaptation to Canada with our program 'Holistic Health: Adapting Your Body and Mind to Canada'. This four-session program is specifically designed for women who have recently arrived in Canada, focusing on establishing healthy eating habits that not only improve your work performance and physical well-being, but also respect your culinary traditions. Join us to learn about preventing common diseases through nutrition, adapting traditional recipes, and planning a healthy future for you and your family in your new home.
Women: Roots & Wings - Empowerment & Co-Creation -
This is an empowerment program for Latin American women in Canada, focused on strengthening resilience and autonomy through life coaching and positive psychology. The program offers six session with tools to manage cultural and workplace changes while maintaining cultural ties. It emphasizes self-development, a greater awareness of self-worth, and a special focus on women's mental health. This initiative not only promotes personal well-being but also fosters the creation of a supportive community for women navigating their new lives in Canada.
Ready to Work! - Fundamentals for Your First Job
Join our 'Ready to Work' program, crafted specifically for Latin-American newcomers to Alberta. This initiative includes biweekly two-hour sessions that deliver a transparent and practical overview of the Canadian job fines, specifically tailored to highlight the opportunities and challenges you may encounter. Gain valuable insights into Canadian labor regulations to better understand your rights and responsibilities within the workforce. Additionally, explore how language and cultural nuances may impact your integration into the workplace.

This program creates an environment that respects and values your cultural heritage, helping you with your professional integration. Equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools, you’ll be prepared to achieve your occupational goals, making your transition into Canada both successful and fulfilling.

ActivaMente - Wellness in Motion
Welcome to 'ActivaMente,' a community where physical movement and mental wellness meet the rhythm of nature, music and dance. This program is crafted with the heart of our culture in mind, offering a welcoming space for Latin-american women to engage in activities that boost both body and spirit. Join us to form meaningful social connections, enjoy the cultural richness of yoga, zumba, exercising, dance and music, and embrace a lifestyle of health and joy. 'ActivaMente' is more than just a program—it's a place to laugh, move, and dance together. We also welcome children to join in on specific activities, making it a wonderful experience for the whole family.
Art & Style
Dive into the vibrant world of 'Art & Style,' a program tailored to enrich your mental health through the joy of artistic expression. Guided by entrepreneurial artists, this initiative invites Hispanic women to unleash their creativity by creating artworks that vividly express emotions through figures, colors, and textures. Beyond merely making art, this exploration serves as a profound tool for self-discovery and personal empowerment, enhancing your social and personal presence. 'Art & Style' is more than a series of art & style classes; it's a journey of self-expression and self-awareness that encourages participants to explore and celebrate their unique identities and creative powers.
Chat & Connect - English for Everyday
Our 'Chat & Connect: English for Everyday' program, exclusively designed for hispanic women in Edmonton seeking to enhance their basic English communication skills in a supportive and caring environment. Through engaging and practical conversational practice, this program focuses on everyday English usage to help participants gain confidence and fluency. Meet and network with other local Latin-American women, share experiences, and improve your English skills in a friendly and welcoming setting. Start your journey towards better communication today and open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Our team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up by Amparo Gonzalez, the team strives to bring in the best compassionate talent in various fields, from community support, to life-coaching, and business strategy .

Amparo González

Founder / Trainer

Ana-María Ortega
Managing Director / Coach / Trainer
Stef Haro

Volunteer / Community Support

Marco Haro
Finance Consultant

Are you a catalyst for change?

EHWSS is just starting; therefore, we need as much support as possible. Our mission is ambitious, but we are confident that together, we can achieve it. Will you join us?

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selective focus photography of person holding white clustered flowers

We are in need of:

  • Talented and enthusiastic volunteers.

  • Shared teaching spaces for our programs.

  • Office supplies for learning materials.

  • Financial donations.

  • Sponsors for various programs.

  • Grocery gift cards for our most vulnerable clients.

Strategic Partners & Sponsors

Our heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering dedication and unconditional support you provide us day by day, without which we could not fulfill our mission.